Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Refix: In This Life

Somewhere in Oahu 2015

With everything I've achieved throughout my life, I've come to find that when you're good at everything, perhaps you're never really great at anything.  I've been an writer, I've been a painter. A collector.  Graphic artist. A singer. Dancer. Even a bikini competitor.  Sure, I would love to become "great" at something, but the truth is, I have more of a will to wander.  If you all have had a watchful eye over anything I've done - my art, my fitness, my photos, my clothes - I have some good news. I've reconstructed my blog to better suit who I am.  Whether I'm in SF, Hawaii, or anywhere else on the planet, in this life I'll always be me.

Wanderers tap their feet into anything, but there's no telling how long they might stay.  So I've revamped my site to represent anything and everything I am, and all that is a part of me.  Whatever I do, recognize the raw artful vision behind it and the woman, whatever she is or was, who has stood behind her name from the beginning.

XOX.  PS - Enjoy these photos. They were taken somewhere in Oahu, where I currently live.  It is literally an unnamed place off of a Waimanalo highway.

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